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Case Studies

Jobs To Be Done (JTBD)

How can your brand more effectively help consumers to achieve their goals?

If a quick-service restaurant chain saw large numbers of milkshake purchases in drive-thru each morning, what JTBD are milkshakes fulfilling?

The restaurant investigated and learned that people bought milkshakes because they were easy to drink while driving and took time to consume, occupying them during their commute. So the morning milkshake’s ‘job’ isn’t hydration or indulgence, but entertainment while driving. Framing the experience in this way opens the door to innovation that directly addresses underlying consumer needs.

Man getting a milkshake at a drive-thru

Benefits of Jobs To Be Done research

Group of coworkers agreeing on objectives

Clear priorities

A JTBD exercise will produce, for each job you explore, a complete set of needs ranked in terms of importance and satisfaction. This allows your team to focus their efforts on important needs that are not being properly satisfied.

Woman standing in front of a glass wall full of sticky notes

An expansive view

Successfully executing an entire job usually involves completing a series of smaller jobs. For example, think of the myriad micro jobs involved in cooking an average weeknight dinner. Brands looking to stretch in meaningful ways can innovate against any of the jobs in this process. 

Group of coworkers agreeing on objectives

Team alignment

A true JTBD framework clearly articulates the job, who is doing it and how, and what their motivations are. The process of building this framework is an opportunity for team alignment and focus.

Our restech platform identifies consumer needs that can shift choice

Upsiide’s respondent experience captures the two key decision moments. 

Moment 1: consumers are presented with a need. In an instant they recognize if it is relevant to them. This exercise identifies needs that trigger a positive gut reaction.  ​

Moment 2: consumers are presented with two needs that are relvant to them personally. They indicate which is most compelling. This identifies needs that can shift choice. 

Our JTBD Process


Qualitative research

To explore the category and the landscape of jobs.


Quantitative research

To validate and prove out qualitative findings.


Trends fusion

Uncover which trends might shape these jobs long term.



Bring these jobs to life in collaborative team workshops.

Qualitative research

To explore the category and the landscape of jobs.

Quantitative research

To validate and prove out qualitative findings.

Trends fusion

Uncover which trends might shape these jobs long term.


Bring these jobs to life in collaborative team workshops.


How To Go Beyond Category

In this Dig In episode, Mondelez’ Global Head of Insight & Analytics Nick Graham talk through how they’ve used a Jobs To Be Done approach to reframe new business growth and shift the way they approach innovation.

Nick Graham

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