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Industry Insights
Sustainability in retail: how to write a winning on-tag claim
Being sustainable is great. But communicating sustainability to your customers with the right words takes skill. We surveyed consumers about what matters to them when it comes to sustainability in retail, and how their beliefs influence their purchasing habits.
The power of Buy Now Pay Later: unveiling North Americans’ adoption and attitudes
Discover the latest insights into North Americans’ adoption and attitudes towards Buy Now Pay Later services in our new study.
Concept testing definition, use cases and methods
Everything you need to know about the concept testing definition, how to use it and what methods you can use to create your first concept testing survey.
Order up: trends in QSR and what’s driving consumer behavior
Last year Taco Bell opened a new out-of-this-world drive-thru restaurant in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, which they called Taco Bell Defy. The restaurant is two stories tall and features a range of new things: digital menu boards, touch-screen kiosks with an...
The Distraction Epidemic: A Study on Second Screen Culture
We surveyed North Americans to learn how they use different devices as a second screen and why they’re so distracted by their phones.
Restaurant, grocery, and meal kit delivery: How to retain, regain, and attract new consumers
Technology and a pandemic forced heavy adoption of restaurant, grocery, and meal kit delivery services. But now that lockdowns are over, how are consumers ordering food? Learn how to retain, regain, and attract new consumers.
Sussing out sustainability: what works, what doesn’t, and how to write an on-pack claim
Sustainability matters. But which claims do consumers actually care about? We’ve undertaken in-depth research into how consumers view sustainable practices as a whole, and how this translates to purchasing behaviour with on-pack claims.
Food delivery: what the future looks like
The pandemic drove massive increases in the adoption of food and grocery delivery and meal kit services, forcing us to think differently about how and where we purchase food. But, as we wade through a post-lockdown world, will consumers keep having food delivered at the same rate?
What does automation mean for insights and market research?
Automation speeds up repetitive and predictable manual tasks to get insights faster. But is that in the form of survey templates? Or is it more about insight generation?
The real impact of inflation on American and Canadian consumers
An overview of our recent study on how inflation impacts American and Canadian consumers.
How to Build a Shock-Resistant Insights Function: Q&A with Coca-Cola
An interview with Coca-Cola’s Global Director of Shopper & Channel Insights about how to innovate and build a shock-resistant insights function.
The most beloved dumplings & curries in 2022
We ran a survey using Dig’s automated research platform Upsiide. The study was run with 1000 people in Canada and the USA to understand what cultural foods mean to them, and why they try foods from different cuisines.Â
Innovation, informed: why new product ideas fail, how to beat the odds, and what success means
We’ve created a comprehensive report that outlines the key innovation trends to fold into your business this year (based on experts), and tangible examples of what these trends look like in practice.
What’s brewing in 2019: The NCA national coffee data trends report at a glance
The National Coffee Association launched their rebranded and updated 2019 National Coffee Data Trends (NCDT) Report. Dig Insights has partnered with NCA to create five new breakout market research reports to supplement the annual tracking report.
Key food delivery & takeout trends during Covid-19
How has Covid-19 impacted the way people in Canada are purchasing food delivery and takeout? This data-driven report explains all
The Great Inflation Report (Canada)
Reports /We set out to understand how the dramatic rise in inflation that has occurred since early 2021 is impacting consumers both practically and emotionally. We were driven to provide...