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Food & beverage trends: what Americans really want in 2024

Food & beverage trends: what Americans really want in 2024

Our speaker

Samantha Muscia

Samantha Muscia, VP of Insights, Dig Insights

With nearly 20 years of experience spearheading high-level research projects with CPG clients, Samantha is a true expert in her field.

About the session

What’s next for food & bev?

In January 2024, we ran an Upsiide study to understand American consumers’ daily food & beverage experiences, and uncover what that means for brands.

In this lively event, Samantha Muscia, our VP of Insights, will be sharing her unique perspectives on the industry alongside insights from the study.

Watch this event to discover:

  • How American consumers are embracing tech and AI to help them shop, cook, and consume better in 2024

  • Why Americans are looking to adopt veg-forward diets and drinking less

  • The top sweet and savory flavors for 2024

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