The challenge presented to research was to identify which one or two claims of many had the greatest potential to drive purchase interest.
We worked with the client to perform claims testing via Upsiide, exploring the competitive landscape at the same time.
Results revealed that the current claim was, in fact, the strongest performing, so no changes were made to on-pack claims.
The client is a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company.
The Client & Challenge
The client is a multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences company.
In an effort to promote trial of the product in question, a number of potential claims were identified that could be made on pack. The challenge presented to research was to identify which one or two claims had the greatest potential to drive purchase interest.
The Solution
Claims testing was completed as a part of a broader initiative in which the competitive landscape was explored and key motivations / barriers to brand purchase were identified. Research was conducted among a robust sample of n=1,000 current and prospective consumers. From project initiation to final results was approximately 5 weeks.
The Outcome
Results revealed that the current claim was, in fact, the strongest performing. Alternative claims tested failed to garner similar levels of preference. Further to this TURF analysis showed that the addition of a second claim to pack failed to expand reach achieved by the current. As a result, no changes were made to claims made on pack.
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