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How to use research to prioritize your tech roadmap

How to use research to prioritize your tech roadmap

About the session

As a fintech brand that specializes in subscription management and switching, ApTap wants to change the way people have traditionally managed subscription finances. But with so many ideas about where their product could go, and a backlog of features in need of prioritization, ApTap’s team needed to understand which features would have the greatest impact,

Nadal Sarkytbayev, CEO, and Lachlan Shaw-Stewart, Product Manager at ApTap, will join us for this event to share:

  • How technology companies can and should lean on research to prioritize feature development

  • What they discovered from their research and how they applied it in the development process

  • Lessons learned from using a DIY research platform

man with glasses taking a picture infront of a window

Nadal Sarkytbayev, CEO, ApTap


man smiling

Lachlan Shaw-Stewart, Product Manager, ApTap


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