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Case Studies

Unmasking beauty: beauty & wellness attitudes among American consumers

Unmasking beauty: beauty & wellness attitudes among American consumers

Discover what drives consumer decisions in beauty and wellness!

The global beauty and wellness industry, anticipated to surge from $1,610.5 billion in 2023 to a staggering $2,765.8 billion by 2030, holds immense potential. But to unlock this, we need to delve into the consumer’s perspective.

We ran a study with 300 Americans aged 18-58, a proportional representation of the population, to learn more about their attitudes and behaviours around beauty & wellness.


This comprehensive report is packed with insights about customer needs in beauty & wellness, what influences consumer consideration, and packaging claims that can drive purchases.

beauty report snippet

What you’ll find inside:

  • The real challenges consumers are trying to address with beauty & wellness products

  • How different demographics prioritize products (hint: it’s not just about price)

  • The significant influence of product research, influencers, and reviews on consumer purchase decisions

  • Which beauty & wellness packaging claims consumers resonate with most

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