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Dig Perspectives: Brad Klippenstein on Developing Standardized Research Solutions

Dig Perspectives: Brad Klippenstein on Developing Standardized Research Solutions

We spoke to Brad Klippenstein, Vice President at Dig, about his work in building automated solutions.

Brad Klippenstein on Developing Standardized Research Solutions

Standardized surveys are a must for every client who wants to get quality insights fast. But how are these questionnaires built? Who decides what questions will make the cut and how they will work together to fulfil the business goal? Brad Klippenstein, VP at Dig Insights, is that decision-maker. Having joined us last year, Brad helps Dig build templated solutions on our Upsiide platform for each use case, ranging from concept testing to testing menus and flavours. 

In our new Dig Perspectives episode, we talked to Brad about his work and opinion on automated solutions. Tune in to learn:


    • Brad’s past experience and how it has helped him in his role at Dig 

    • The business need behind automation and standardization

    • The kinds of standardized solutions Brad works on building into Upsiide right now

    • Brad’s take on the future of automation

A Few Highlights From the Episode

We’ve seen a huge growth of standardized solutions. Upsiide, an insights innovation platform created by Dig, is also one of them. So why do you think that happened? 

Yeah, and it’s a very good question. And I’ve been, I’ve been thinking about it for a while throughout my career within research, I’ve seen different attempts at automation, and I think we’re at a place now where the knowledge, technology and the understanding of how to apply it are in a place where it’s really helping at the pace of automation. To accelerate. So those kinds of factors combined, I think, is why we’re seeing the explosion in automation. 

So what do you do at Dig right now?

So the work that I do in a very simple way is focusing on minimizing and simplifying the steps that are required to complete a task. So I look at the whole research process from beginning to end, and I’m building out materials that reduce the number of steps or simplify the steps that our research consultants need to take to get things done. So that is where standardizing the methodologies becomes quite powerful, because I’m working to create templates where I can cut down the time required by 50% or more to complete tasks. 

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