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Case Studies

Growth in the plant based space: what the industry needs to know in 2024

Growth in the plant based space: what the industry needs to know in 2024

Discover what drives consumer decisions in the plant-based protein space!

The plant-based protein market has been on the rise for over a decade, but despite this popularity there are still huge un-tapped opportunities for brands to capitalize on in the market as consumer tastes continue to grow and shift.

How many consumers really know about plant-based proteins and how often are they eating them? What are the barriers stopping them from testing out that new plant-based burger at the grocery store?

We consulted with two organizations who champion plant-based food, The Good Food Institute and Plant Based Foods Association, to dive into all things consumer and plant-based protein.

This report uncovers what American consumers think about plant-based protein, including the barriers that they’re facing, the changes to make, and the opportunities for brands and restaurants to jump on.

Plant based protein report snippet

We uncover

That consumers are trying to increase their protein intake

How can the plant-based protein industry take advantage of this growing trend?

That educating consumers is essential

How can we convert consumers who haven’t tried plant-based proteins?

How Gen-Z and Millennials are in the know

They might be the most familiar with plant-based protein, but how can we convince them to try it?

That brand awareness is a game-changer

A tale as old as time, but what are the ways that plant-based protein brands can use to become visible to consumers?

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