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Case Studies

Sip & Dine: Elevating The Out-of-Home Dining Experience

Sip & Dine: Elevating The Out-of-Home Dining Experience

Find out how to transform your brand's dining experience!

What's driving Canadian diners to your restaurant's doorstep?

The restaurant and hospitality industry has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years — from the pandemic to ongoing labor shortages and rising operational costs.

But there’s positive news: consumers are eager for new and enhanced dining experiences. So, how can brands deliver those?

Our “Sip & Dine” report is here to guide you through the shifting landscape of Canadian out-of-home (OOH) dining and provide actionable insights that will help your brand thrive.

Report slides showing what you can find inside the report

What you'll find inside

  • The biggest frustrations diners have and how you can address them.
  • A snapshot of current trends and what’s driving consumers to dine out.
  • A look at specialty beverages by generation.
  • An exclusive case study of Dig’s Share Optimization (ShOp) tool.

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